The article examines the main theoretical and methodological aspects of the concept of “information warfare” and its impact on political consciousness. The main definitions of the concept of “information warfare”, methods and components of information warfare and its impact on people and society are analyzed. Various aspects of information warfare as one of the intellectual types of confrontation are considered. The forms, methods and components of information warfare, their impact on the consciousness and behavior of people and society are studied. The author draws attention to the impact of information warfare on political consciousness and the importance of taking this impact into account in the development and implementation of national security policy. It is concluded that the development of a national policy in the field of information security requires, first of all, a sober assessment of the current state, features and prospects of development of information weapons and means of their use. Such an assessment is a basic prerequisite for developing the foreign and domestic policy of the State, the military and military-technical components of which could prevent threats and reliably ensure the security of the country. At the same time, it is important to understand that the threat of information warfare and information crime in a broader context is a factor of hidden military and political pressure and intimidation, a factor that can disrupt global and regional stability and security. That is why the threats of using information weapons should be monitored on a broad scale and the effectiveness of countermeasures should be continuously assessed. Solving the problem of information threats to the country will help to protect the interests of society and the State, and will guarantee the right of citizens to receive quality and objective information.
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