The article is devoted to the study of changes in value orientations in political culture in the conditions of media globalization and the impact of digital technologies on political processes. The paper examines the conceptual and categorical apparatus that allows us to analyze how the rapid development of global media and digital platforms affects the formation of new political practices. In particular, traditional ideas about political participation, communication between citizens and the government, as well as national identities are changing. Media globalization promotes intensive exchange of information at the international level, allowing citizens of different countries to quickly navigate global political trends and adapt their views to new ideas and standards. At the same time, the development of digital technologies, in particular social networks and online platforms, creates new opportunities for political participation, allowing citizens to be active participants in the political process without territorial limitations. The authors also draw attention to changes in political culture caused by the development of digital media. This includes the emergence of new forms of political activism, such as online actions, petitions, virtual protests and other forms of citizen mobilization, which allow to effectively influence political decisions and participate in the political process without the need to be physically present at rallies or meetings. These processes significantly change political realities, allowing citizens to actively intervene in political issues at the global and local levels. The article also emphasizes the need to adapt political institutions to new conditions, when traditional methods of political communication are unable to ensure effective interaction with citizens in the digital age. It is important to create mechanisms to protect the rights of citizens in the digital space, as well as to develop effective strategies to counter disinformation and cyber threats. Based on the analysis, the authors offer a number of recommendations for improving political education, particularly in the context of teaching citizens media literacy skills, developing critical thinking, and creating conditions for the safe and productive use of digital technologies in the political process. The need to develop new approaches to political communication that would take into account the speed of information exchange and the specifics of citizens’ interaction with the government through new digital platforms is emphasized separately.
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