Keywords: electoral and legal culture, civil society, democratic processes, conceptual and categorical apparatus, civic activism, information manipulation


The article is devoted to the theoretical and conceptual analysis of the interdependence of electoral and legal culture and civil society in the context of modern global transformations. The paper examines key aspects that determine the interaction of these two important components of the democratic system, in particular the conceptual and categorical apparatus that encompasses the terms and concepts of electoral culture, legal consciousness and civic activity. The authors analyze the main elements of electoral and legal culture, such as the level of awareness of citizens, their attitude to electoral processes, participation in political life and awareness of their rights. Particular attention is paid to the relationship between electoral culture and the development of civil society, emphasizing the role of active citizens in ensuring democratic rights and freedoms. The article also considers theoretical approaches to the study of civil society, its institutions and functions in the context of electoral processes. An important part of the study is the analysis of modern challenges, in particular the impact of globalization, information technologies and political manipulations on the functioning of electoral and legal culture and civil society. The author focuses on the issues of disinformation, manipulation of electoral processes and political institutions, which are becoming especially relevant in the context of rapid changes in the global political landscape. The article proposes new approaches to increasing the effectiveness of democratic processes, enhancing civic awareness and strengthening democratic institutions, in particular through the development of electoral and legal culture in the context of modern socio-economic and political challenges. The recommendations developed may be useful for political scientists, practitioners, as well as for the formation of state policy on the development of democracy and civic participation in the electoral process.


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