The article examines the impact of digital technologies on modern politics and public administration. In particular, it is analyzed how e-government, social networks and other tools change the interaction of citizens with the authorities, increase the transparency of political processes and contribute to the development of democracy. The paper examines key tools such as blockchain, big data, artificial intelligence, and e-voting platforms that influence decision-making, increase transparency, and engage citizens in political processes. Examples of successful use of digital tools in different countries to achieve a more inclusive and interactive political process are analyzed. In particular, the experience of using the Digital India government program, the use of digital technologies in the political and public administration of the USA, Great Britain, Taiwan, China, and others. Ukraine’s achievements in the field of digital public administration, such as the “DIA” platform and the “State in a smartphone” concept, are highlighted. The use of chatbots for the purpose of ensuring communication between the authorities and citizens, information support for the interaction of local self-government bodies was also analyzed. It is noted that digital technologies expand opportunities for active participation of the population, reducing corruption risks and increasing the efficiency of state institutions. Both positive and negative impacts of digitization are outlined, including manipulation risks, cyber security issues, etc. The impact of new technologies on democratic structures and processes is analyzed, which led to the adoption of the new term “electronic democracy” (e-democracy). The author concludes that the integration of digital technologies creates a new dimension of democracy, but at the same time requires comprehensive support from the state and society to ensure their safe and effective implementation.
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