The article analyzes intercultural communication of territorial communities of Ukraine with foreign municipalities, on the basis of which the subjectivity of territorial communities in public diplomacy of Ukraine is argued. The content of public diplomacy and cultural diplomacy as its component is revealed. It is noted that the reform of local self-government and the territorial organization of power in Ukraine has led to an increase in the capacity of territorial communities, including due to the opportunity to contribute to the formation of a positive image of Ukraine in the world. These are the common forms of inter-municipal cooperation with foreign partners: development of joint cultural projects with foreign municipalities; organization of cultural events; exchange of experience, etc. The following concepts are highlighted: the factors that activate the participation of territorial communities in the international cultural cooperation: the initiative of the communities themselves and their willingness to participate in the international partnership; appropriate staffing and organizational support for international cooperation; informational and consultative support from state and non-state institutions; experience of effective inter-municipal cooperation in Ukraine. It is shown that the intercultural communication of territorial communities with foreign partners is actualized in the conditions of the European integration course of Ukraine. It is argued that the potential of community subjectivity in the cultural diplomacy is not fully used at the current stage, because the full-scale invasion of the russian federation has shifted the vector of international cooperation of territorial communities in the direction of economic recovery and solving social problems. At the same time, even in the war conditions, the cultural cooperation takes place, which is an effective format of acquaintance of foreign partners with the Ukrainian culture. It has been proven that communities located in regions and participating in the cross-border cooperation, as well as urban territorial communities that have long-term experience of relations with foreign municipalities in the form of twin-city cooperation, have more opportunities for intercultural communication.
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