The article reveals key aspects of the functioning of the international system, its structure and elements, as well as the role of international institutions in ensuring the stability and development of international relations. The author extends the scientific approaches and tendencies to the significance of the concept of the international system and the analysis of the structural-functional approach to the development. The author has made a comparative analysis of the concepts of representatives of various scientific direct theories of international relations. Headly Bull, a representative of British institutionalism, defined the international system as a set of political actors who interact with each other on a permanent basis, influencing each other. In his view, the political realist Raymond Aron emphasized the anarchism of the international system through "pluralism of sovereignties", which can lead to large-scale conflicts between powers. The neorealist Kenneth Waltz looked at the system through the "principle of division of labor", believing that the structure was determined by the behavior of the powers, and the main principles were the stability of the system. The article presents an institutional framework that emphasizes the role of international institutions in mediating the anarchic tendencies of the international system. Institutions create norms and rules of interaction between actors, so that their behavior is more pervasive and spreads around systemic problems. It is intended that international institutions will change the distrust of international actors and promote the development of cooperation in various spheres, such as economy, politics, peace and culture. The article examines the structure of the international system, including states, international organizations, transnational corporations and other non-state actors. I would like to pay special attention to the interaction between these elements in various spheres - from politics to culture. The author emphasizes the dynamics of the international system and the interdependence of its elements. The factors that affect the functioning of the international system, the intensity of competition between powers, the superiority in the interpretation of international legal norms, as well as the balance of power, the stability of the system are analyzed. The classification of international systems according to various criteria is presented: broad, chronological and mixed, which allows to better understand the evolution and diversity of international systems.
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