Keywords: gender inclusiveness, security sector, international experience, equality policies, military and law enforcement


In the article, the author examines why the issue of gender inclusiveness in the security sector is becoming extremely relevant in the modern world. A study of international experience in this area was conducted and it was demonstrated that many countries are actively implementing policies and strategies aimed at ensuring equal opportunities for women and men in military and law enforcement structures. Also, this article provides a comparative analysis of gender inclusiveness in the security sector using the example of five countries: Sweden, Canada, Iceland, Norway and Great Britain. In particular, their legislative initiatives, policies and support programs that promote the integration of women in military and law enforcement activities are considered. In Sweden and Canada, emphasis is placed on the implementation of policies that ensure equal access of women to all military and law enforcement positions, as well as on specialized programs for their support and career development. Iceland, noting high gender equality, has introduced progressive legislative norms and is actively working to eliminate stereotypes. Norway demonstrates an innovative approach to inclusion, focusing on educational initiatives and culture change in security organizations. Great Britain, in turn, implements a policy of zero tolerance for discrimination and violence, which includes comprehensive measures to support women in the security sector. The analysis of these countries shows that effective inclusion requires not only legislative changes, but also cultural and organizational transformations. Evaluation of international experience allows to identify best practices and approaches that can be adapted to improve gender inclusiveness in the security sector of other countries. In addition, the experience of these countries demonstrates that a comprehensive approach that includes educational initiatives, career development support and the fight against discrimination is critical for achieving sustainable results in this area.


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