Requirements for the design of articles
The article is drawn up in the Word for Windows text editor (Times New Roman 14 font, line spacing - 1.5). The length of the article is from 10 to 20 pages, including illustrations, tables, graphs, and a list of references.
Margins: top - 2 cm, bottom - 2 cm, left - 3 cm, right - 1.5 cm. Pages are not numbered. Paragraph indentation – 1.25 cm
The text is drawn up in the following order:
1. On the left is the UDC and the thematic section of the journal (Political Institutions and Processes, Political Culture and Ideology, International Relations and National Security).
2. In the center, the title of the article in Ukrainian and English in capital letters.
3. On the right, the surname and initials of the author(s), scientific degree and rank, position, place of work.
4. ORCID number (required).
5. Abstract and key words in Ukrainian and English at least 1800 printed characters.
6. The main text of the article.
A scientific article must meet the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine and provide for such a sequence of structural elements of the text part:
The purpose of the article.
Research results.
7. Tables and figures are numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals. Tables are signed at the top, figures at the bottom. The word "Table" and the number of the table are written on the right. Each table should have a title, which is placed above the table and printed in bold in the center. The table is placed after the first mention of it in the text. For example, "...statistics are shown in Table 4." Captions to figures are centered, the name of the figure is written in bold type with a capital letter (Figure 1. Model of the political system).
8. Drawings and photographs (black and white, with grayscale) are "embedded" in the main text of the article and are additionally provided as separate files in one of the following formats: TIFF, PCX, JPG, BMP, CDR.
9. In the text, the hyphen "-" and the dash "−" should be distinguished, the quotation marks should be of the same type ", there should be a continuous space between the initials and the surname. Excessive spaces between words should be avoided.
10. The list of cited literature is compiled according to the order of references in the text. The word "Literature" is highlighted in bold. When creating a list of references, the requirements of the National Standard of Ukraine DSTU 8302:2015 "Information and documentation. Bibliographic reference. General provisions and rules of drafting".
11. At the end of the article, a transliterated and translated English version of the literature (References) is placed, designed in accordance with APA (American Psychological Association) agreements.
Example of article design:
UDC 327.5
International relations and national security
Petrenko P.P.,
Candidate of Political Science, Associate Professor,
Associate Professor of the Department of Political Science
Zaporizhzhia National University
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8629-0771
In the article, the author reveals the essence of energy blackmail and energy terrorism being committed by the Russian Federation, which creates threats to the national security of Ukraine. The author emphasizes that energy blackmail and energy terrorism are tools of the modern hybrid war waged by the Russian Federation against Ukraine to disarray governance, disrupt the economy and demoralize the population… (the volume of the annotation is not less than 1800 printed characters)
Key words: energy terrorism, energy security, national security, Russian-Ukrainian war.
У статті автор розкриває сутність енергетичного шантажу і енергетичного тероризму, до яких вдається російська федерація, створюючи загрози національній безпеці України. Акцентовано увагу на тому, що енергетичний шантаж і енергетичний тероризм є інструментами сучасної гібридної війни, яку веде російська федерація проти України з метою дезорганізації управління, дестабілізації економіки та деморалізації населення... (обсяг анотації не менше 1800 друкованих знаків)
Ключові слова: енергетичний тероризм, енергетична безпека, національна безпека, російсько-українська війна.
Introduction. Energy security of the state is characterized as the protection of national interests in the field of ensuring access to reliable, sustainable, affordable and modern sources of energy in a technically reliable, safe, economically efficient and environmentally acceptable way in normal conditions and in conditions of a special or emergency state [1]. In Ukraine, the following hierarchy of threats to energy security is used: 1) threats at the national level; 2) industry/sub-industry/territory level threats; 3) threats at the corporate and facility level [2, p.93].
1. Стратегія енергетичної безпеки : схвалено розпорядженням Кабінету Міністрів України від 4 серпня 2021 р. № 907-р. URL:
2. Енергетична безпека України: методологія системного аналізу та стратегічного планування : аналіт. доп. / Суходоля О. М., Харазішвілі Ю. М., Бобро Д. Г., Сменковський А. Ю., Рябцев Г. Л., Завгородня С. П. ; за заг. ред. О. М. Суходолі. Київ : НІСД, 2020. 178 c.
3. Салюк-Кравченко О. О. Інструментарій механізмів публічного управління у забезпеченні енергетичної безпеки країни в умовах сучасних викликів. Публічне урядування. 2023. № 4 (37). С. 60–68.
1. Stratehiia enerhetychnoi bezpeky: Skhvaleno rozporiadzhenniam Kabinetu Ministriv Ukrainy vid 4 serpnia 2021 r. № 907-r. [Energy Security Strategy: Approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from August 4, 2021, № 907-r]. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
2. Sukhodolia, O. M., Kharazishvili, Yu. M., Bobro, D. H., Smenkovskyi, A. Yu., Riabtsev, H. L., Zavhorodnia, S. P. (2020). Enerhetychna bezpeka Ukrainy: metodolohiia systemnoho analizu ta stratehichnoho planuvannia: analit. dop. [Energy security of Ukraine: methodology of system analysis and strategic planning: analytical report]. Kyiv: NISD [in Ukrainian].
3. Saliuk-Kravchenko, O. O. (2023). Instrumentarii mekhanizmiv publichnoho upravlinnia u zabezpechenni enerhetychnoi bezpeky krainy v umovakh suchasnykh vyklykiv [Public administration mechanisms toolkit for ensuring energy Security of state in the conditions of current challenges]. Publichne uriaduvannia – Public administration, 4 (37), 60-68. [in Ukrainian].